190+ Amazing Avoiding Quotes For Whatsapp With Images

Sometimes its okay to avoid and to be avoided. Nothing is wrong with that. Let’s read some famous quotes about avoiding.

Avoiding Quotes For Whatsapp

“Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.”

Helen Keller

“There is no avoiding war; it can only be postponed to the advantage of others.”

– Niccolo Machiavelli

“Do not worry about avoiding temptation. As you grow older it will avoid you.”

– Joey Adams

“Part of the happiness of life consists not in fighting battles, but in avoiding them. A masterly retreat is in itself a victory.”

– Norman Vincent Peale

“Diplomacy is more than saying or doing the right things at the right time, it is avoiding saying or doing the wrong things at any time.”

– Bo Bennett

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“Aim for brevity while avoiding jargon.”

– Edsger Dijkstra

“I have several times made a poor choice by avoiding a necessary confrontation.”

– John Cleese

“Tenacity is not about avoiding being overwhelmed but being indomitable in the face of the overwhelming odds of your venture’s failure.”

– Andy Dunn

“The leaders of the world face no greater task than that of avoiding nuclear war. While preserving the cause of freedom, we must seek abolition of war through programs of general and complete disarmament. The Test-Ban Treaty of 1963 represents a significant beginning in this immense undertaking.”

– Robert Kennedy

“Medicine, which I wouldn’t be without, has also been a force for… less good. For example, if you look at our mishandling of the immune system, using antibiotics in children and avoiding infection, we’ve certainly increased the risk of asthma.”

– Robert Winston

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“Avoiding offense means that we don’t accept each other as equals.”

– Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Quotes On Avoiding Someone

“There are some screw-ups headed your way. I wish I could tell you that there was a trick to avoiding the screw-ups… but they’re coming for ya. It’s a combination of life being unpredictable, and you being super dumb.”

– Aaron Sorkin

“I tend to eat vegetables only when I’m with the kids and the rest of the time, I’m a bit slack. But, I am weight-conscious, so I concentrate on avoiding junk food.”

– Daley Thompson

Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold.”

– Helen Keller

“You cannot find peace by avoiding life.”

– Virginia Woolf

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“We all have a dark side. Most of us go through life avoiding direct confrontation with that aspect of ourselves, which I call the shadow self. There’s a reason why. It carries a great deal of energy.”

– Lorraine Toussaint

“I’m disappearing, avoiding most things.”

– Syd Barrett

“Every portfolio benefits from bonds; they provide a cushion when the stock market hits a rough patch. But avoiding stocks completely could mean your investment won’t grow any faster than the rate of inflation.”

– Suze Orman

“Let us carefully observe those good qualities wherein our enemies excel us; and endeavor to excel them, by avoiding what is faulty, and imitating what is excellent in them.”

– Plutarch

“Investing is not nearly as difficult as it looks. Successful investing involves doing a few things right and avoiding serious mistakes.”

– John C. Bogle

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“Boxing is like chess. You encourage your opponent to make mistakes so you can capitalize on it. People think you get in the ring and see the red mist, but it’s not about aggression. Avoiding getting knocked out is tactical.”

– Nicola Adams

Quotes On Avoiding Loved Ones

“Invention consists in avoiding the constructing of useless contraptions and in constructing the useful combinations which are in infinite minority.”

– Henri Poincare

“Neurosis is the way of avoiding non-being by avoiding being.”

– Paul Tillich

“There is little anyone can do with fanatics. Reasoning with them is a fool’s errand. Avoiding them is mandatory.”

– Bill O’Reilly

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“My goal and mission is to be very strong in avoiding back steps. I leave judgments, evaluations and analysis to the media, then to the observers.”

– Enrico Letta

“If I don’t talk about my religion, if I say I’m not discussing it or different humanitarian things I’m working on, they’re like, ‘He’s avoiding it.’ If I do talk about it, it becomes, ‘Oh, he’s proselytizing.'”

– Tom Cruise

“The art of natural education consists in ignoring the faults of children nine times out of ten, in avoiding immediate interference, which is usually a mistake, and devoting one’s whole vigilance to the control of the environment in which the child is growing up, to watching the education which is allowed to go on by itself.”

– Ellen Key

“I don’t like being ignored, and I don’t like being forgotten.”

– Unknown

“Some people avoid thinking deeply in public, only because they are afraid of coming across as suicidal.”

– Unknown

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“That awkward moment when your ‘friends’ don’t invite you to something.”

– Unknown

“Part of avoiding thoughts about something was not encouraging opportunities for that something to makes itself felt.”

– Unknown

“Avoid popularity if you would have peace.”

– Unknown

“Don’t get old, if you can avoid it.”

– Unknown

“The choice to avoid risk is the choice to avoid living, and to avoid living is one of the greatest risk of all.”

– Unknown

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Avoiding People Quotes

“I learned early and at that kitchen table that there are ways of avoiding, without guilt, the commitments of love.”

– Unknown

“I spend a tremendous amount of time carefully choosing the roles I wish to play so that I can run from the role I was born to play. And if I keep on doing that, I will eventually set foot in my grave never having set foot on the stage.”

– Unknown

“You must avoid sloth, that wicked siren.”

– Unknown

“There comes a time you feel so alone no matter how much company you have…”

– Unknown

“Ignore me. I don’t care. I’m used to it anyways. I’m invisible.”

– Unknown

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“Knowing what I know about the American workplace, I now avoid buying ‘Made In USA’ products.”

– Unknown

“Worry creates anger, stress, problems so to be happy avoid worry.”

– Unknown

“I really wish that I could ignore the fact that you’re ignoring me.”

– Unknown

“Being ignored is just like never getting the approval that you have just been waiting for, girl.”

– Unknown

“Avoid the behaviour of buy off; it does not affect fair and honest people.”

– Unknown

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“Love is the compass of the heart. Pay attention to it, and you will land in good places. Ignore it, and you’ll do everything to avoid landing.”

– Unknown

“He stepped down, avoiding any long look at her as one avoids long looks at the sun, but seeing her as one sees the sun, without looking.”

– Unknown

“Attention is necessary in this world, you can’t thrive here without it so you need to keep going.”

– Unknown

“If your friends can actually ignore you for so long, they must not be your friends at all, boy.”

– Unknown

Best Quotes On Avoiding

“The art of a successful business lies in identifying and mitigating the risk. Not overlooking and avoiding the risk.”

– Unknown

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“Draw the attention of those who do things out of spite, to something else, away from what you wish to avoid.”

– Unknown

“Fitness needs to be perceived as fun and games or we subconsciously avoid it.”

– Unknown

“Anger is a tiger that can eat you alive if you are not careful.”

– Unknown

“Most people want to avoid pain, and discipline is usually painful.”

– Unknown

“An act of violence, no matter how small, can never be justified if it can be avoided. You have it in your God-given power, the willingness to make the years ahead of you to become a brighter one.”

– Unknown

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“Ignore those who resent you. Avoid those who begrudge you. Excuse those who envy you. Pity those who hate you.”

– Unknown

“Always be ready to speak your mind, and a base man will avoid you.”

– Unknown

“It’s so funny how ‘friends’ forget us when they don’t need any more favors.”

– Unknown

“A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.”

– Unknown

“Avoid problems, and you’ll never be the one who overcame them.”

– Unknown

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“Avoid things that will not make you a success in the nearby future!”

– Unknown

“The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.”

– Unknown

“Have we ever thought that being lost is our destination?”

– Unknown

“One of the worst things in this life is to be discarded by the one you care about the most, girl.”

– Unknown

“To live a lie may allow us to avoid the truth, but the real lie lays in believing that we can avoid the truth in the first place.”

– Unknown

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Avoiding People Quotes

“Avoid fried foods, which angry up the blood.”

– Unknown

“The best thing you can do when people are ignoring you is to just keep your chin up, girl.”

– Unknown

“Live to avoid all the numerous field mines of life.”

– Unknown

“I will try exercise my freedom of speech by avoiding legalities.”

– Payal Rohatgi

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“Yesterday, we fought wars which destroyed cities. Today, we are concerned with avoiding a war which will destroy the earth. We can adapt atomic energy to produce electricity and move ships, but can we control its use in anger?”

– Robert Kennedy

“I’m not avoiding Fox, but they don’t seem to want me to be on their shows much. I can’t understand that.”

– Michael Avenatti

“If you ask what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress and tension. And if you didn’t ask me, I’d still have to say it.”

– George Burns

“Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him.”

– Martin Luther King, Jr.

“We are convinced that universal health coverage, with strong primary care and essential financial protection, is the key to achieving the ambitious health targets of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and to avoiding impoverishment from exorbitant out-of-pocket health expenses.”

– Tedros Adhanom

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“I always wanted to know what I’d face next, even though that was maybe a bit detrimental to spontaneity. Structuring my life and avoiding chaos was more important.”

– Angela Merkel

“We are certainly in a common class with the beasts; every action of animal life is concerned with seeking bodily pleasure and avoiding pain.”

– Saint Augustine

Random Quotes On Avoiding Someone

“Avoiding maturity is, for many men, not just a cute hobby, but a life’s work – often handsomely rewarded in the infantile popular culture of the West.”

– Michael Leunig

“Positive, healthy, loving relationships in your twenties… I don’t know if anyone would disagree with it: I think they’re the exception, not the norm. People are either playing house really aggressively because they’re scared of what an uncertain time it is, or they’re avoiding commitment altogether.”

– Lena Dunham

“Avoiding inflation is not an absolute imperative but rather is one of a number of conflicting goals that we must pursue and that we may often have to compromise.”

– Paul Samuelson

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“For me, personally, when I’m afraid of something – when you’re afraid of something, normally you try to go away, you try to avoid it. Instead of avoiding it, to overcome your fear, I believe you need to embrace it.”

– Georges St-Pierre

“I’ve found a formula for avoiding these exaggerated fears of age; you take care of every day – let the calendar take care of the years.”

– Ed Wynn

“Hillbillies learn from an early age to deal with uncomfortable truths by avoiding them or by pretending better truths exist. This tendency might make for psychological resilience, but it also makes it hard for Appalachians to look at themselves honestly.”

– J. D. Vance

“I always recommend a sensible diet, including lots of carbohydrates and avoiding too much fat. Dancers don’t need different fuel from other people – they just need more of it because they use more energy.”

– Deborah Bull

“Herr Schroder has conducted two electoral campaigns, and he is doing it again now, by not telling people what is really necessary. He keeps avoiding the difficult and uncomfortable issues, those that imply changes and therefore provoke discussions.”

– Angela Merkel

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Some More Avoiding People Quotes

“Purchase items that can be made into several meals, like a whole roasted chicken, or bag of sweet potatoes, and shop the periphery of the grocery store, avoiding the middle aisles full of processed and higher-priced foods.”

– Cat Cora

“Much talking is the cause of danger. Silence is the means of avoiding misfortune. The talkative parrot is shut up in a cage. Other birds, without speech, fly freely about.”

– Saskya Pandita

“Achieving life is not the equivalent of avoiding death.”

– Ayn Rand

“The life of the creative man is lead, directed and controlled by boredom. Avoiding boredom is one of our most important purposes.”

– Susan Sontag

“The gospel of Jesus Christ encompasses much more than avoiding, overcoming, and being cleansed from sin and the bad influences in our lives; it also essentially entails doing good, being good, and becoming better. Repenting of our sins and seeking forgiveness are spiritually necessary, and we must always do so.”

– David A. Bednar

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“Success means making profits and avoiding losses.”

– Martin Zweig

“Everybody dies. There’s no avoiding it, and I do not believe for one second that butter is the cause of anyone’s death. Overeating may be, but not butter, please. I just feel bad for people who make that mistake.”

– Nora Ephron

“The streets of India are not safe for children, and every year, thousands are forced to live on the streets, avoiding being kidnapped or worse.”

– Saroo Brierley

“Drama lives on conflict. If you’re trying to deal with social issues seriously, there’s no way of avoiding violence, which is so present in society.”

– Michael Haneke

“I learned to be with myself rather than avoiding myself with limiting habits; I started to be aware of my feelings more, rather than numb them.”

– Judith Wright

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“Engineering is achieving function while avoiding failure.”

– Henry Petroski

“I really do feel like the work and time we spend avoiding having difficult conversations is so much more wasteful and painful and time-consuming than actually having the difficult conversation.”

– Shonda Rhimes

“My experience in Amsterdam is that cyclists ride where the hell they like and aim in a state of rage at all pedestrians while ringing their bell loudly, the concept of avoiding people being foreign to them.”

– Terry Pratchett

“We tend to run our whole life trying to avoid all that hurts or displeases us, noticing the objects, people, or situations that we think will give us pain or pleasure, avoiding one and pursuing the other.”

– Joko Beck

“Somehow, the company must stay true to the founding vision while avoiding the pitfalls of rapid growth – and perhaps survive the hiring of a previously successful executive who doesn’t work out.”

– Bing Gordon

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“My writing process, such as it is, consists of a lot of noodling, procrastinating, dawdling, and avoiding.”

– Amy Bloom

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