Unique 150+ Sister Shayari In English, Hindi (including Funny Shayari)

Explore the amazing world of sisterhood with us! Read some Sister Shayari In English. Sisters share a special bond that’s stronger than anything.

Sister Shayari In English
Sister Shayari In English

Sister Shayari In English

Sisterhood is like a pack of stars in the heavens that I use to navigate my way through ups and downs of life. Each of my sisters has become a beacon of light, and through their presence, my journey becomes rewarding.

– Unknown

Let me compare you to an astonishing flower in a garden of life, you are extremely gorgeous, my dear little sister, you possess an immense power.

– Unknown

A sister is stauncher, stronger union than all the threads in my hollowed confinement.

– Unknown

With eyes wide open, you have been there in my thick and thin, my sweet sister, you are indescribable.

– Unknown

Our own sisters hold a place closer to our heart than any other being on earth. Immersed in a stream of love, they are sent from above as latent angels.

– Unknown

Along with you, the shelter I seek to flee from opposition, my beloved sister, I know you are the rhythm of my life.

– Unknown

Sisters reflect their intimacy via giggles, shed away sorrow with their hands clasped, symbolizing the power of the bond over overcome the fear.

– Unknown

In your presence, I feel joyous and content, for you are the sweeter verse inside my book of life. Oh, dear sister, always my constant mirth, forever smiling.

– Unknown

Just like the moon and the stars, we create a glowing couple by always staying by your side, my sister, my eternal cord.

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English
Sister Shayari In English

I am like sisters, they way they are played in my heart at every note, like pieces of art.

– Unknown

As we dance in harmony day by day, You always keep my world shining bright, My sister, I think we fit perfectly as a family, all together forever strong.

– Unknown

Big Sister Shayari In English

Sisters are the sacred will, whole and stable, who help us to be strong in every possible way.

– Unknown

In the boiling pot of life, I found the colors of your existence to be bright red. The amazing thing about you, my sister, is that you’re a lamp in the dark.

– Unknown

As the gentle breeze I can take your heart, to calm down my soul, dear sister, you heal me, and become the person I am.

– Unknown

The sisters are gifts from Heaven, made fully of love and sent by above from an unending thicket of clouds.

– Unknown

We are very close because with my sister I can dream on, and we can accomplish everything in life by some mysterious above the ordinary delicacy of every existence.

– Unknown

By having the highest and worst situation, you are there with me always, my dear sister, always you are there with me.

– Unknown

Being sisters, we are mirrors to one another, from our souls we draw in sister’s eyes our lives we unfold.

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English
Sister Shayari In English

Just as an optimistic ray of sunshine lights up a sad day, it is you, my sister, who make my life brighter.

– Unknown

The so bright and hopeful world reveals itself to me, with you, my sister, by your hand and a step you take beside me.

– Unknown

Sisterhood is a great sanctuary manning life’s stormy sea, affording us a place where we are securely moored, sheltered and soaring.

– Unknown

Inside a garden of memories, you glow up like the prettiest flower, my lovely sister, my inspirational hero.

– Unknown

You, with the stars in the sky, radiate so much, dear sister of mine, that I see. You are my guide.

– Unknown

Sisters are like the priceless jewelry, which are precious as diamond and placid as marble in their hearts, bound together forever.

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English Attitude

We cry together, share our insecurities and consciousness, while you often serve as my counselor, blowing away the dust of our memories.

– Unknown

It is the kind of words to a beautiful song, you and my sister, we all belong and always do.

– Unknown

Clinging to each other, sisters add life to a vast world of destinies, marching on, step by step.

– Unknown

Life becomes a beautiful symphony where you are the sweetest melody my loving sister, my heart’s key.

– Unknown

Can’t you imagine how the hot sun of a chilly day can make you forget your grief, my sister, that you take the sorrows away as well.

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English
Sister Shayari In English

My sisters are a blessing; virgin and simple, and I can speak without fear that the best thing is having you, ‘my sister’, come true.

– Unknown

The sisters are like sunlight for me as they scatter the grey clouds in my life and fill the atmosphere with their affection and warmth.

– Unknown

Sister shayari
Sister shayari

I know that you are with, my sister, life becomes the lovely art which pictures our memories very close to our heart to keep them always dear.

– Unknown

Just like the stars do to me my darkest night, you give me the light, my precious sister you are my right.

– Unknown

A sister is akin to a flower, awakening with beautifulness to share love and glimmering with contentment.

– Unknown

The harmony of life is animated by your melodies, just like the sweetest tune my sister, we are sharing, under one moon.

– Unknown

When you and I are together, living becomes a creatively rhythm , then we flow in the right moment of space and time.

– Unknown

Sisters hold the role of anchor, assimilating us into the definition of steady, in the riot of life’s waves, thrashing us below the waterline.

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English
Sister Shayari In English

Sister Shayari In English Hindi Love

Just like the rainbow that rises after a stormy rain, you can be the one who takes all the pain away, so I can finally feel the sunshine on my back once more.

– Unknown

You are my source of safety, and with you standing behind me, even when I fall, I know that I will get back up.

– Unknown

Between sisters, girls are priceless and are only seen in their hearts, the two of us shall be together forever.

– Unknown

Through the wanderings of life, you are my beacon light, my sweet sister, that will always be standing next to me, no matter if it’s far or near.

– Unknown

Your sister with a blossom becomes a morning air; her scent which is beyond compare.

– Unknown

I could smile even in the darkest of nights, your words of love drove the hopes and brought them to bright, sharing every apple of joy and clements.

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English
Sister Shayari In English

Sisters are pieces of a puzzle, forming our souls, enriching our lives by imbuing them with a great imagination.

– Unknown

A person who has never experienced the hardships and challenges specific to someone else’s life might not get it, but you do, my dear sister, just like the gentle rain that kisses the parched land.

– Unknown

You, my sister, make all the obstacles that came along wit life still be a ride of my life, each time with a hand in hand and every time side by side with me.

– Unknown

Sisters are something like pillars, strong and tall, which can be pushed to the limit before falling, but always end up on their own two feet. They can lift each other up when they fail.

– Unknown

Within the inherent beauty of life, you are that distinctive line, my sister, in which we weave love together.

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English
Sister Shayari In English

Little Sister Shayari English

The lonely moon, its image frail-like on the smooth surface of the sea and you, just like the moon is a part of me.

– Unknown

Together with you, my sister, my life is such a fine and colorful picture; things that are freshly happening and memories for which we’ve been grateful.

– Unknown

Sisters are cut to the fabrics of butterflies with their bright colors to reflect pretty and joyful. They flutter through the trails of life with desire.

– Unknown

I bow to you in the garden of friendship. You are the flower that comes once in a lifetime, my dear sister, my endless rain.

– Unknown

The sun rises and you are there like the morning dew on a leaf—the shade of green that you are, you surely leave my eyes sunny.

– Unknown

The wind won’t toss me out of it alone, fair one, you are my bright path, in this crooked road of mine.

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English
Sister Shayari In English

Sisters revolve around the world just like rainbows to erase the pain after a disaster, increasing the beauty of every day.

– Unknown

In the gallery of elated recollections, it’s you, my dear sister, that are the most beautiful art, to me, because you are the closest to my heart.

– Unknown

Similar to stars which lit the sky, you have extinguished all sense of darkness during night time; my dear sister you make everything all right.

– Unknown

Life is worth living as long as you, my sister, are present; with us, it’s a song we cherish so much, singing together, making joy, being steady together.

– Unknown

Sisters are like the messages that were tied on the stones that were placed in a jar, (karta) the waves calmed their mind and memories of lost were forgotten.

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English

Just as your warmth brings delight to my heart like a tune in the quiet air, I can’t help but mention brother.

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English
Sister Shayari In English

With our being together, you my sister, life is no less than dancing in the air uphill or downhill, be as it in, it is still considered delightful.

– Unknown

Sisters are as magics tiny drop of rain, refreshing and pure, nourishing each other, forever connected.

– Unknown

Life’s road is long and straight, when I look at you, I feel there is no doubt that you will light the way, my sister dear amidst all the darkness.

– Unknown

The presence of my sister brings to mind the image of a ray of sunshine on a winter day; she knows the way for me.

– Unknown

Together, we will overcome every challenge, as you will be my strongest base and the one that holds me up against every downturn.

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English
Sister Shayari In English

Sisters are like stars that brightly shower light seekers and walkers. At one point or another, they become the compass that point precisely either north or south.

– Unknown

Life is a symphonic odyssey for me, and when I am with you, you are that delicious note, my sister, that makes me sing.

– Unknown

The ever-gentle breeze on a summer day, my sister you as dream away my troubles.

– Unknown

You, my dearest sister, my precious mate, lead us through life’s delightful flight and to success… Make stream our guide.

– Unknown

There is no better comparison or metaphor for sisters than candles, which are luminous by nature, exuding grace, and brightening up each other’s space with their light.

– Unknown

The hothouse of love, you’re the rarest rose, my cool sister dear forever there right by your side.

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English
Sister Shayari In English

Random Big Sister Shayari In English

Whether your shadow lightly tranquilizes my mind as you cast it upon a still lake, or you erase any doubt that you’re there with me, I still will say, your my sister.

– Unknown

With you holding my hand, I feel so glee, my sister, since you will be the temporal forever.

– Unknown

Sisters can be seen as pieces of the puzzle, individually, they can represent our soul. When they gather in one heart, curiosity and passion can be seen.

– Unknown

In the tunes of existence, you’re the most cherished melody of mine, my sweet sister whose melody shall last forever and ever.

– Unknown

Like the stars that gleamed brightly upon the night, you are the one who eases my nightmares, my dear sister, and gives me hope.
Having you by my side, my dear, life’s like a precious story,
since we have ridden through every turbulence your existence yet aailed

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English
Sister Shayari In English

Sisters are the anchors of the ocean of life where they join hands and remain strong during all seasons of joy, happiness and pain.

– Unknown

The glorious, gallant fabric of time, where you shine biggest and brightest among all is the love which I weave around you, my dear sister.

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English Hindi

बिना बहन के, जीवन कुछ अधूरा सा होता है।
खुशियाँ भी ढली हुई सी लगती है,
जोकि उसके absentहोने का महसूस कराता है।

– Unknown

सदैव बहन का हाथ सहारे में होता है।
बिना उसके, जीवन का सफर बेहाला सा लगता है।

– Unknown

बहन में जितना प्यार है, उतना ही स्नेह है।
जीवन उसके बिना, गुलदस्ता सां हैं ५ के पहाडों के समान है.

– Unknown

Sister shayari
Sister shayari

सुख बहन की मुस्कान में छिपा है।
उसके खुशियों में ही जीवन का सार है।

– Unknown

मेरी बहन मेरी आस की किरण है।
जीवन का रंग उसके संग मिलता है।

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English
Sister Shayari In English

जीने का सहारा है बहन का प्यार।
राहत उसके साथ हर दुःख में मिलती है।

– Unknown

स्नेह बहन का अनमोल है।
जीवन उसके बिना अधूरा है।

– Unknown

सुख की किरण मिलती है बहन की छाँव में।
जैसे सूर्ज के बिना आसमान, ऐसा ही उसके बिना जीवन।

– Unknown

जीवन उजला नहीं होता, बिना बहन के।
हर पल उसके साथ हर्षित और सुखद होता है।

– Unknown

बहन के प्यार में अद्भुतीकरण है और वसंतिक.
जीवन की दहलीज़ पर उसके बिना पाँव रखना मुश्किल है।

– Unknown

सुख की बारिश है बहन का साथ।
जीवन उसके बिना सूखा दलदल है।

– Unknown

मेरी खुशियों की बात है मेरी बहन।
उसके बिना, जीवन सिर्फ एक अधूरी कहानी है।

– Unknown

बाहन की ममता से ही जीवन में सुख-संप्रेम है।
बिना उसके, जीवन की राहों में दुःख होता है।

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English
Sister Shayari In English

मन की शांति है बहन का साथ।
संध्या की अंतिम सांझ है, उसके बिना जीवन की राहें।

– Unknown

अमर है बहन का प्यार।
जोकि उसका संगी है, उसके साथ जीवन का सफर सुखमय है।

– Unknown

जीवन की राहत है बहन की मुस्कान।
जीवन बिना उसके है विरान और उदास।

– Unknown

मन का शिकार है बहन के साथ।
जीवन की राहें उसके बिना संयम हैं।

– Unknown

सुख की बारिश है उसके स्वरूप में भावनाों कि प्रतीक्षा।
उसके बिना, जीवन की राहें हैं स्याही का मरहम।

– Unknown

खुशिओं का मेला है बहन के साथ।
बिना उसके, जीवन सिर्फ एक अधूरा दृश्य है।

– Unknown

हमेशा साथ है बहन का प्यार।
जिसके साथ हर दुःख कम हो, हर सुख अधिक।

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English
Sister Shayari In English

Sister Shayari In English Hindi Funny

My sister, a tornado in disguise, start picking herself up and I was caught in the middle, struggling to keep my sanity.

– Unknown

Sisters: the only creatures on earth that can just about drive you nuts and in the same instant become the objects of hilarity.

– Unknown

Sisters are like Google. They have the information to create their own stories about you even when you disagree with them.

– Unknown

A sister is like a greatest established savvy peering which is already programmed to take your clothes from you.

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English
Sister Shayari In English

Sisters: these are the originals who have been with me (him/her) from day one.

– Unknown

My sister’s cooking: a sure thing that would imprint annoys and angriness and on no little amount of discomfort.

– Unknown

Sisters: the last people in the world who will even give you a break or tell you that there are other ways to solve the issues that drive you crazy.

– Unknown

If you are brought up with a sister, which is the case in my life, you can never be short of “dumpling moments” from your early life.

– Unknown

A sister, on the other hand, knows all your flaws, but desires your best. Or she tries to hide it really well.

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English
Sister Shayari In English

Sisters: dramatic actor – the only person you would ever consider as your permanent audience when you are simply arguing about something.

– Unknown

My sister’s fashion sense: a love child of a fashionista and a class clown.

– Unknown

Sisters: the masters of tokenizing their friendships by using you for their needs and then fail to return the favor.

– Unknown

Having a sister means having a personal stand-up comedian who reminds you just in time a particular joke you just told that is funnier and puts your punchline to shame.

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English Funny

My sister’s selfies: a real mirror of ourselves, with constant duck faces and opt-ins of filters done wrong.

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English
Sister Shayari In English

Sisters: the only ones with degree of sarcasm and eye-rolling since day one. Create your own artificial intelligence essay and learn about the techniques.

– Unknown

It comes as no surprise that dropping hints becomes an art form after living with a sister.

– Unknown

Sisters: all I care about are the people who actually make me laugh until I’m red-faced and laugh till I cry over an insignificant thing they did.

– Unknown

My sister’s dance moves: for how she not only seems to lack any social awareness, but also provides viewers with a fun and funny experience. How useful are online assessments in education?

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English
Sister Shayari In English

Sisters: mostly to your fridge searching for food they eat without asking, claiming imaginary pet mice have been eating those treats. They’ve even been known to dirty every dish, telling your parents that the clean-up was your chore.

– Unknown

To have a sister signifies the existence of a literal grade-conscious twin that you must step up to the plate all of the time.

– Unknown

Sisters: the gap which make us to feel either so cute or tragically embarrassed because of the childish representation of them.

– Unknown

My sister’s sense of direction: she goes through so much hardship that sometimes she feels as if she is lost in her room, the room she grew up in.

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English
Sister Shayari In English

Sisters: the long-term friends who have always pulled your leg and just showed up when you least expected them, and expected you to be your usual embarrassing self.

– Unknown

If you are the oldest in a family, keep in mind that there has not been a time yet when you needed anyone to be blamed for the messes you make.

– Unknown

Short Sister Shayari In English Hindi Funny

Sisters: you are the one (and the only) player who knows that having to watch others collect money when you are in a losing situation is deeply painful.

– Unknown

My sister’s singing: New residents proudly welcome this property into the mix as it is an absolute sure-fire attention generator and (probably) also a people-pleaser neighborhood-wide.

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English
Sister Shayari In English

Sisters: cares about the scoop; if you need to know something that happened inside your house, you ask them.

– Unknown

Half the time, if you are not ‘fighting’ with your siblings over movie choices or the remote control, the next day, I am trying to wrestle the remote from you.

– Unknown

Sisters: these heroes of stealing your dress and destroying it irretrievably might win your love. From hotel bookings to e-commerce platforms, the impact of digital marketing on consumer behavior is profound.

– Unknown

My sister’s jokes: like, so dreadful that, surprisingly, they turn out as unexpectedly good, or no, wait, how about simply so bad that they are too bad.

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English
Sister Shayari In English

Sister Shayari In English For Instagram | Short Captions for Instagram

“Sistas are the best kind of sisters, nah mean?! ”

– Unknown

“Our lives are just like cookies having sisters being the chocolate chips. “

– Unknown

“My sister: a gift I needed long before I realized I was.”

– Unknown

“The bonds they share are not just by chance but choice, they are sisters to each other, sharing each other’s tears and laughter.”

– Unknown

Forever, till the date that sky still meets the Earth, and always.

– Unknown

“The connection between sisters is so sacred that it would rather take a .”

– Unknown

“Sisters: buddies in adventure journeys.”

– Unknown

“A sister is half-kiss and half-tears through our growing years; she’s forever our childhood that we can never lose.”

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English
Sister Shayari In English

“It is awesome to be a girl who has a sister because a sister is not only a friend but also a sibling.”

– Unknown

“You cannot live well without your sister like your own left side. “

– Unknown

“Sisters: simply because family caregivers cannot handle this enormous challenge all alone. I am sure that they need a break.”

– Unknown

“Sisters: strolling, watching the howling moon, mourning the lost moments, and rejoicing the sacred ones.”

– Unknown

Sisters are like stars. Even when you cannot see them, you always feel comforted knowing that they are right there with.”

– Unknown

“A sister is God’s purpose to prove that he never wants us to walk alone.”; ” sisters are God’s purpose to prove that he would never let us go alone.”

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English
Sister Shayari In English

“Sisters: sweet, sour and nice all chaotically bind together creating the perfect blend.

– Unknown

“Sisterhood – famously, journey which never ceases, filled with friendship, fun & some cool trouble.”

– Unknown

“Sisters: Being flowers like the lily and the rose from the same garden.

– Unknown

“My sister is my backbone and my dear friend. She is my support system and somebody I can rely on. I hope my future will hold that one true friend waiting for me just behind the corner.”

– Unknown

“Sisters: the absolute melting of hearts, faces shining with joy, and an ocean of hectic craziness.”

– Unknown

Sister Shayari In English
Sister Shayari In English


If you have the most loyal, cute and best friend in your life, it is your sister. If you also like this article then please share it with your sisters and your friends.

Common FAQs for Sister Shayari

बहन के लिए वन लाइन क्या है?

बहन के लिए एक पंक्ति: “बहन एक ऐसा हीरा है जो हमेशा चमकता रहता है।”

बहन की तारीफ कैसे करें?

आप उनकी सच्चाई, समर्थन, संवेदनशीलता और साथीपन की प्रशंसा कर सकते हैं। आप उनके साथ बिताए वक्त, उनके साथीपन, और उनकी मदद की कड़ी की प्रशंसा कर सकते हैं।

नाराज बहन को कैसे मनाए शायरी?

रूठी हुई बहन को आज समझा है दिल,
उनके बिना जीना है बस एक सपना फिर।
मेरे दोस्तों को मेरा संदेश सुनाओ,
बहन को माफ़ करो, बहुत याद आती हैं तुम्हे,
ये कहना है मेरा बस।
रूठी हुई बहन को मनाना हमेशा ही है खास,
उनके बिना घर का महौल लगता है बेख़ास।
जल्दी से आओ, गले लगा कर मुस्कुराओ,
बहन, तुम्हारे बिना जीना है मुश्किल, ये मानो।

बहन का होना कैसा होता है?

बहन का होना एक अनमोल अनुभव होता है। एक बहन वह विशेष रिश्ता है जो प्यार, समर्थन और समझदारी से भरा होता है। वह एक साथी, एक सहारा और एक साथी के रूप में काम करती है। बहन वह व्यक्ति होती है जिसके साथ हम अपनी खुशियों, दुःख, और संघर्षों को साझा करते हैं

अपनी छोटी बहन के जन्मदिन पर क्या लिखें?

जन्मदिन की बहुत-बहुत बधाई! तुम्हारा यह खास दिन हमारे लिए हमेशा से बहुत महत्वपूर्ण रहा है। तुम्हारी मुस्कान, तुम्हारा प्यार और तुम्हारी मीठास हमें हमेशा प्रेरित करती हैं। तुम्हारे साथ बिताया हर पल हमारे लिए अनमोल है।

बहन के लिए छोटा सा कैप्शन क्या है?

“मेरी खुशियों का सहारा, मेरी हर मुसीबत का समाधान। “

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