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The tool was tested on 7,600 people, around 750 of whom had Parkinson’s disease.
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Scientists from America’s MIT created a tool called a neural network.
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This works on algorithms that mimic the human brain.
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study claims the tool was 90% accurate when analysing one night’s sleep and 95% accurate on 12 nights of sleep.
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Upcoming MCU Halloween special set to premiere Oct. 7 on Disney+.
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Joy Milne (72) has a rare condition which gives her a heightened sense of smell.
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She realised that people with Parkinson’s give off the same “musty odour.
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She had correctly identified the patients through smell.
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She said that one from the “healthy” group “smelled like” they had the disease.
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Eight months later, the “healthy” test subject was diagnosed with Parkinson’s
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Upcoming MCU Halloween special set to premiere Oct. 7 on Disney+.
Upcoming MCU Halloween special set to premiere Oct. 7 on Disney+.
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